Sony might have blocked the loophole which allowed its PlayStation 3 games console to get jailbroken, but hackers have found a new way to jailbreak the electronics giant's device.

A hacker, Hasuky, uploaded the jailbreak details on a Spanish forum, Elotrolado to enable users of PlayStation 3 break in to their gaming console.

According to tech news site Geek, Hasuky used a Sixaxis controller, an official component of the PS3 device, to integrate a PS Groove USB modchip into the device in order to jailbreak the PS3 games console.

As soon as modchip is soldered with the Sixaxis, the users can easily defy all restrictions on the console and can run the jail broken device easily. However, the modchip integration is not suitable for users who are not technically competent.

The move will also void the warranty of the console and may also affect the controller.


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