After 50 days of continuous assault on websites from corporations to government departments around the world, the six hackers known as LulzSec disbanded late last week but not without a parting gift.
Among the final release of leaked documents were ones from AT&T outlining its rollout of the LTE network as well as mention of the iPad 3 according to iFan.
iFan reports that in one document titled “2011 Weekly Calendar – LTE Milestones,” it said the “production launch will take place in July” and that ten more markets that were “promised LTE this year are on track to go live in September.” Verizon’s LTE network is already up and running so this information could very well be true.
Last week we told you that the next iPad is rumored to have an even higher resolution retina screen than the iPad 2, but if AT&T is rolling out a new network, the next iPad could very well be LTE-enabled according to iFan:
On a slide of a completely different PowerPoint presentation (pictured above), titled “LTE Status,” we see mentions of an iPad. This is where things get slightly more cryptic. Depending on how you interpret the message, it would seem as if AT&T is planning for an LTE iPad (probably the iPad 3, which is being rumored for a release either around March of next year, or this fall). Remember that this slide’s title is “LTE Status.” It wouldn’t make sense for a 3G iPad to be detailed on a page devoted to information on the 4Gstatus. With that in mind, this might confirm the rampant rumors of the iPad 3 being an LTE device. Given the timeline of the leaked information, it would also stand to reason that this new evidence points towards a March release, and not for the fall.
From what I can see in the leaked slide from AT&T, the carrier also makes mention of USB mobile broadband sticks and netbooks on the same “LTE Status” document so it seems the telecom will also be launching LTE-compatible devices to complement its handset offerings.
While we can’t confirm whether these leaked AT&T documents are up-to-date and contain reliable information considering that they were obtained illegally by hackers, the information contained in them certainly seem plausible.


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