You don’t see this sort of thing very often, thankfully.
Today, a self-described “rogue faction” at Microsoft released an add-in for Visual Studio 2010 that improves HTML5 and JavaScript support. (Read Mary Jo Foley’s writeup for more details.)
But a funny thing happens if you use Internet Explorer 9 to download the code from the Visual Studio gallery. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the new reputation-based security features in IE9 and noted in passing, “No domain or file gets a free pass—not even a new signed release from Microsoft or Google. Every file has to build a reputation.”
Here’s your proof:
That red shield is a severe roadblock. IE9 makes it particularly difficult to download any file that falls into this category.
At first glance, this seems like a false positive (Tim Anderson described it as “extreme for a download from an official Microsoft site”).
Look more closely at the file and you will see there’s a legitimate reason for the dire warning. It’s a Microsoft Installer file, which means its job is to install a program on your system. And yet this MSI package is not digitally signed. A brand new file that hasn’t been seen in public before and is not digitally signed? According to Microsoft Security, there’s about a 96% chance that that code is malware.
This really and truly is an unofficial release. But it’s hosted on a Microsoft server, where the public should never, ever be able to download executable code that isn’t digitally signed. Period. If that isn’t a companywide security policy, it should be.
I expect that this mistake will be fixed relatively quickly, but in a way I’m glad it happened. It offers a chance to see and learn from the real-world consequences when coders aren’t thinking about security.


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